
The joys of Writer’s Conference food.

Wow. Seriously, writer’s conference food has always lacked something. Sometimes I’ve felt like I’ve been eating rabbit food (I understand if you’re a vegetarian. Heck, I applaude you. I however, am not. It comes from growing up on a cattle...

Stats on Book Sales

This is some info my agent send me about book sales:UK Hardcovers Fall Hard, But US Market Shows Resilience. The Bookseller reports on Nielsen BookScan UK data that shows “a slump across hardcover sales,” as unit sales for the top 5,000 hardcovers fell...

I just can’t help myself

Instead of working on my blog, I’ll work on my daugher and my blog at the same time! It’s a Mom/multitasking thing.It pays to have a neighbor that’s also a photographer. Shauna always does such a fantastic job. It doesn’t hurt to have a subject...

Review of Inkspell

I have to admit, I read the first book in this series (Inkheart) a couple years ago. It seemed a bit juvenile, so I never picked up the second. Then a friend handed me her copy and told me how much better it was.I decided to give it a try. She was right. I liked this...

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