
My current WIP is nearing completion. Daughter of Winter is at 65,000 words. I’ve only got another two or three chapters to add and then I get to start the first rewrite.

Writing the conclusion is always a little intimidating. You have to take all the plot threads you’ve introduced and tie them up in a neat bow.

After I do a couple/three rewrites, it’ll have to marinade for a few months. By six months to a year (depending on how long my rewrites on The Brotherhood and Last Witch take–or the rewrites a publisher requires for Priestess, I’m being positively hopeful here) I should have another novel ready to send out.

A major New York Publisher will of course call me, screaming with joy, at the marvelous marvel that is my newest masterpiece.

Q4U: Where are you in your writing cycle?


Amber Argyle

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