
My other, other job

In order to support my writing habit, I started a home based business selling jewelry. It’s not to bad, considering that my other option was cleaning toilets at the HS.But every once in a while, I’m forced to drive down one of those street. I gape in...

The first 14 lines

Arguably the most important part of your novel is the first 14 lines.Why?One could argue that if the cover and back of the book catch the reader’s attention, the reader will then open the book and read the first page. If they continue to like what they see, they...

Get creative, dangit!

Okay, so back to the conference. Louisa Ahern did a class on publicity, and even if you’re not published yet, you will be someday (we’re thinking positive here, buster–don’t make me reach through your computer screen to smack you upside the...


I’ve read some more books. I absolutely loved The Blue Sword by Robin McKinnley. LOVED IT!I also read Brisingr by Christopher Paolini (sp). Not really impressed. Way too much time was spent on politics and traveling. Blah! The only reason I read it at all was...

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