
Big Changes at HarperCollins

My agent, Al Longden, sent me an email regarding HarperCollins. The publisher is “closing the Collins Division and realigning the imprint.” Meaning that average Americans aren’t the only ones tightening their belts. The company is condensing to...

How Do I Know When My Story Is Ready?

How do I know when my writing is publishable, and how do I network?Have you outgrown an amateur writer’s group (meaning, are you the best writer there or can the group no longer give you feedback) Have you read at least 5 books on improving your craft? Have...


Ice cold Pepsi in one hand, plate full of hot dogs and potato salad in the other. The air smells of campfire, mosquito spray, and the lake.You guessed it. We’re at a Fourth of July picnic with our family. The kids are running around, dirt caked on top of ketchup...

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