
Interview about Witch Song

Interview between journalist JoLynne Lyon and Amber Argyle JoLynne: Throughout the story, Senna struggles with her identity. What advice would you give to her—to anyone who feels like an outcast?Amber: Senna finds herself trapped in a situation where she’s...

My kids are hilarious . . .

I tried to type up some of the funny things my kids have said over the years. I thought I’d share some of them with you. 2013My 11 YO looked his father in the face and said, “Zombies like brains, so you’re safe.” After which he was...

Narcolepsy, surgery, and more tests.

I keep thinking life is going to be better. That this is the last major medical issue we’re going to have. But it never is. Nearly 4 years and over 50,000 dollars out of pocket (w/ insurance ((medical is where the majority of my author income goes)). All...

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