
Literary Talk Show

From my agent:NEW LITERARY TALK SHOW DEBUTS ON HOUSTON’S FM RADIO(HOUSTON, TX April, 2009)–Two bestselling authors with extensive media experience, ReShonda Tate Billingsley and Pat Tucker have joined creative forces to launch From Cover to Cover Literary talk show....

Stats on Book Sales

This is some info my agent send me about book sales:UK Hardcovers Fall Hard, But US Market Shows Resilience. The Bookseller reports on Nielsen BookScan UK data that shows “a slump across hardcover sales,” as unit sales for the top 5,000 hardcovers fell...

5 MistaKes Amaeture Writer’s Make

Note: these are not in order. *1. Flashbacks*: General rule: don’t use them.As with every rule, there are exceptions. I would strongly warn against using any kind of flashback in the first 50 pages of your novel. Writers use flashbacks as a crutch when their...

Dinner with James Dashner

My writing buddy, Marion Jensen (w/a Matthew Buckley), called me yesterday to invite me to dinner with James Dashner.James is quirky, kinda goofy looking, and more fun than jelly beans–come to think of it, he kinda looks like Mr. Bean! :)Talking to him gave me...

Is there an end in sight?

I thought for sure I’d hear back from the publishers this month (it’s been over four months). So, far only one rejection and the month’s almost over.I’m not a very patient person, but I have found that ignoring this problem is the only way to...

BelleBooks accepts “anything that’s good.”

I received my first rejection from my agent last week. I was completely surprised by the publishing house, BelleBooks. I googled them and was further surprised to see that they only take “Southern Fiction.” I write YA Fantasy. I asked my agent, Al Longden,...

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