
I’m infected.

My computer bought the farm. I opened a link from a friend on facebook. It infected my computer. When we have the money to fix it, I’ll be back. Until then, I’ll only be on when I can use my friend’s computer–and she’s moving.Stupid...

I just can’t help myself

Instead of working on my blog, I’ll work on my daugher and my blog at the same time! It’s a Mom/multitasking thing.It pays to have a neighbor that’s also a photographer. Shauna always does such a fantastic job. It doesn’t hurt to have a subject...

Houston, we have a problem.

I’ve really tried for some semblance of order in my life. But my daughter has to come first. She’s had a really hard time–poor thing. She lost a bunch of weight and then went on a 16 hour hunger strike. The doctor said if she wasn’t doing...

Quick note

It’s now 1:57 pm and I’ve yet to take a shower (can you smell me through the computer? So sorry). Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know that things went . . . okay. My spinal block wasn’t complete, so things were a little painful. Good stuff to use...

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