
Cover Progression for Witch Born

*all images have been removed because people keep stealing them*Lots of people have asked about the cover for Witch Born, so I’m posting pictures so you can see how Eve and I arrived on the most awesome cover of 2012 (does my humility astound you?). This...

There IS NO love triangle in Witch Born

*note: this is a tad spoilery* People keep asking me about the love triangle in Witch Born. Just to clarify: there is no love triangle. In the definition in the dictionary (okay, I totally made this up. I’m an author. I make stuff up for a living) a love...

Witch Born Comes out tomorrow!

*insert happy dance* If you’re doing a review and you’d like me to post a link on my blog, send it to my email amberargyle at yahoo dot comHere’s one: review!...

Witch Song Blog Tour Recap

With Witch Born’s release coming up next week, I thought it might be fun to have a recap of Witch Song’s blog tour. Enjoy.Blog TourMonday, August 22: Ashley at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing (Author Interview w/ Book Line Answers)Tuesday,...

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