
Possession by Elana Johnson

Win a *signed* copy by entering the contest below! Elana contacted me about joining her blog tour for her new book, Surrender, which I’m so excited to read. As part of the contest, I’m posting my review and offering a signed copy of Possession....

New Author Photo

It was time. My other author photos were done when I was pregnant with my 3 YO. Do the math, that’s four years ago. My hair has grown at least a foot since then. And honestly, I’m tired of people coming up to me and saying, “You look nothing like...

Team Rhemalda in Pictures!

 Team RhemaldaRhett Hoffmiester, Robyn Chance, Cas Peace, JS Chancellor, TJ RobinsonAmber Argyle, Emmaline Hoffmeister, Karen Hooper, and Michelle Argyle I had so much fun meeting so many of my fellow Rhemalda authors. I can’t imagine a better or more...

Review of Nighingale by David Farland

From Amazon: Bron Jones was abandoned as a newborn. Thrown into foster care, he is rejected by one family after another, until he meets Olivia, a gifted and devoted high-school teacher who recognizes him for what he really is—what her people call a “nightingale.”But...

Witch Born Update

Witch Born is finally, FINALLY off to copyedits. I’m supposed to have them back early next week. The cover is scheduled to be finished on Friday. The book has already been formatted in InDesign. Everything is coming together all at once. So exciting! It’s...

Free Writer’s Conference in SLC, Utah

I have two upcoming events. One is an amazing opportunity for authors in the Utah area. Writer’s conferences usually cost hundreds of dollars a day, this one is free. Speakers are coming from all over the US and even as far away as the UK: •Rhett...

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