
My last post was on my family’s personal experience with a mass shooting (my grandmother and aunt were shot). I usually avoid any political conversations on my blog. But I have an opinion, one born of my experience with an immediate family having a mental illness, a mass shooting, and a bunch of gun-loving family members.

You are welcome to disagree with my opinions, but if you don’t do so in a respectful manner, I will delete your comment and block you.

I think we can all agree that mass murders are on the rise in our country. So much so that we can now expect one ever six months. So why is mass murder on the rise? You can’t blame it on guns–they’ve been around far longer than mass murder. You can’t even blame it on mental illness. It’s been around even longer than guns. And the treatment and social understanding for the mentally ill is better than when I grew up. 
The answer is fairly simple: The media’s attention to the murderers, doing complete life stories and smearing their names in every household in America. Don’t want to die alone and forgotten? Go shot up a public plac–instant celebrity status. The more people who die, the better the coverage will be. Want to really get the media’s attention: go kill a bunch of little kids. 
It’s not the deciding factor in EVERY mass shooting. But I believe it is one of the factors in many of them. 
And I’m going to make a prediction: mass murders will continue to increase unless and until we do three things:
1. The media must take responsibility and stop spinning stories and start simply reporting the facts. If these murderer’s names were never even mentioned, if they were forgotten and pushed aside, they would die alone and forgotten. And then there would be no point in taking anyone down with you. 
2. Mental health care needs to be accessible to everyone. We can’t wait until someone does something violent before we intervene. Read these two inspiring posts by Dan Wells and Robison Wells
3. We need tougher gun laws. The waiting period needs to be longer, certain types and caliber need to be restricted, and the punishments for people who illegally sell/provide guns needs to be stiffer. This is where people get all riled up. “We might as well restrict knives and baseball bats too!” Not the same thing. The guy in China who knifed up an elementary school didn’t kill a single person. Me and my pepper spray have a chance against a guy with a knife. I can’t do anything against someone with an assault rifle. 
Amber Argyle

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