I’ve been told it’s really rare for a small publisher to sell foreign rights for their books (Rhemalda rocks!), and even more rare for debut authors to sell foreign rights. And Serambi came searching for us! And they’re not the only ones. Another publisher in Indonesia just expressed an interest in Witch Song and we had to turn them down.
I’m so proud of my beautiful book, all grown up and going out into the world.
A quote from my publisher:
The finalization of this deal, along with interest from other publishers from around the world, is garnering additional attention. This along with the astoundingly positive reviews being given from bloggers all over the web is sure to fuel the rapid growth and popularity of WITCH SONG.
*big enormous sigh* It’s such a satisfying feeling to see your book doing really well.
Oh, and I wanted to share this link with you Book Depository has Witch for $10.49, which is cheaper than MY cost. This is seriously where I’m buying my books to resale at my launch party.
Oh, oh and I have 6 ARCs I need to give away before my release in Sept. Any contest ideas (something to help promote the book)?
Congrats! That's awesome! 🙂
Awesome! Congratulations!
I remember following you so long ago, and now look at you!
Oh, and as far as the ARCs, you should simply make a post and say "six random winners will receive an ARC, all you have to do is comment to this post."
Elaborate giveaways with scoring and such don't work as well as simplicity.
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Hi 🙂
Wow, Indonesia, that's great!
Im looking forward to read "Witch Song"! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm so happy about it =)
I have an idea for you!
Why don't you ask for some short impressions about the excerpt and give the ARCs to 6 of the participants?
I would be so happy if I could get one of them 🙂
Have a nice day, Lisa 🙂
(Books & Senses)
Oh, wow! That's so awesome, Amber, congrats!
As for ARC contest ideas, perhaps people could create magical/fantasy-related song lyrics or something.
Congrats, I think that's wonderful for you and I definitely wish you all the best.
As far as idea's for a giveaway/contest, maybe you could ask for people to write a short 100 word drabble based on the summary of the book and then choose your six winners from there. 🙂
I for one am extremely excited about this book and I've been trying to get an ARC of it for a while myself, to showcase it on my blog. But, I will totally be there at the bookstore when it's out.
Suz @ A Soul Unsung
Thanks everyone. You all have such good ideas. You're hired!
Also, I found out how to say Witch Song in Indonesian from my dear friend, Chris Loke:
Lagu Penyihir
Squee! How cool is that?!?
AAAAAA! I am freaking out here! Can't wait to read my copy 🙂
Congratulations!! 😀 Can't wait to read it! Hopefully it gets here soon! I'm getting antsy! 😉
Fabulous! Beautiful trailer. I think I offered to read it pre-launch. If you'd still like me to (in word or pdf, whatever) just give me a holler. I am so very, very pleased at how this has all come together, and your persistence, and your talent.
I just saw this fabulous news on Twitter. Yeah! I'm so proud.
Awesome news!
Your cover inspired my "The EYES Have It" contest. I'm passing on my ARC of Witch Song and GC to the winners.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Bethany: Did you sign up to review a copy?
Chantele: I hope so too. I wonder how long it'll be?
Janet: Thanks! I'll get one sent over.
Cami: Me too!
Lisa: Such a good idea. I hope you get a lot of entries.
Ooo this is awesome. I feel lucky that I don't have to depend on foreign rights on books to make something available for me to read. Otherwise if I was Indonesian (and before this happened), I would have to be fluent in English to read your book. Very good news!
Hey that's big! and is not even out. Congrats. I wish I could have an ARC.. you can do a picture-theme contest or do a poem about too…. or just pic random 🙂