A few days ago, I saw a post by a fellow writer, Chad Morris, who I’ve known for a few years. They’d recently found out his daughter had a brain tumor. She thinks mustaches are hilarious, so they asked people to post pics of themselves with one to cheer her up. I posted this pic. Then found out they ran a news story on Maddie and her mustache love. They featured my pic. This makes me all sorts of squirmy.
You can show Maddie some love by posting a fun pic of a ‘stache on Chad’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/chad.morris.5?fref=ts
Chad’s debut novel also comes out today. Since he can’t be out there busily promoting his book, I thought I’d help out. Ya’ll head over and buy a copy!
Amber Argyle
Hope she recovers and funny pic.
Me too. Such a scary thing.
So fun!