No, not from my husband. From my agent.
It’s been a very difficult decision. One of the hardest I’ve ever had to make. But I actually feel good about it. I’m hoping that feeling lasts.
Now I’m in new territory. I have a million questions. Do I contact the publishing houses that still have my MS? What do I say?
In my query, do I meantion that I recently parted with my agent? Do I query a new book (as I have two more ready to send out)? Do I try to get someone to take over the old one?
I’m so lost about what I’m supposed to do.
And now I get to go through the fun fun process of finding a new agent. Yippie!
It stinks, hitting the shop-around scene after the big break-up, but it's better than being stuck with a dud. Better luck next time. Someday it will only be a bad memory.
Amber, I know this was very hard for you, but I think in the end you'll be glad you made this decision. There are so many agents out there, and you'll find one that is just right for you. Remember the things you've learned from this, dust yourself, and move forward with a proud smile. You are a great writer.
My prayer has always been for God to open the doors that need to be opened and close the ones that need to be closed.
This too shall pass…
Hey guys, I actually spoke with Rachelle Gardner. She said most of the problems I experienced were pretty normal.
I went from feeling this weight off my shoulders to it coming back with an extra hundred pounds.
I can't help but feel like this is one step back–whether it was the right decision or not. That still remains to be seen I suppose. Now if only I could start sleeping at night.
I'm glad Rachelle could help you, sweetie. She's a great agent who genuinely cares for her clients and readers. So many of us are looking for agents! These things take time and patience and learning. *HUGS*
Basically, to the degree that editors still have a submission that came through that agent, that agent is still part of any deal that might come from it. You'll have to check the terms of your contract with your ex-agent for specifics, but probably when the submissions all time out, then you'll have the work back unencumbered. Hang onto it, work and submit something else, and after the next round, look at it again with your new agent.
On the other hand, if a publisher comes through with a contract offer, then you'll be stuck with a business relationship with the ex-agent for the duration of the contract. Kind of like having a baby with an ex-husband.