So many have already posted cover reveals, reviews, etc. THANK YOU! You have no idea how much this means to me. Also, pretty much every review I have read has been overwhelmingly positive. *squee*
If any of the rest of you would like to get in on the action, I could use all the help I can get (especially since I don’t have time to do promotions right now). I could use help with the following:
  • You could be my publicist! I know, I know. It’s a lot to ask, but I could really use the help. 
  • Organizing a blog tour with cover reveals, contests (which I will provide ebooks/swag for), reviews, etc.
  • Spreading the word by blogging, facebooking, and tweeting about release day. 
  • As I said before, many reviews have already gone up and they’ve all been so complimentary, but I’d like to see at least twenty reviews up on Amazon and sixty on Goodreads. One liners totally count! 
  • Telling one person about the book in real life. 
  • Pinning the book on Pinterest. 
  • Creating a video about the book. I love vlogging. Totally going to start doing it sometime soon. 
And there will be prizes! Anyone who agrees to be my publicist can have my firstborn! 
You don’t want him??? Is this about the toilet plunger incident? I promise, it was only that one time. 
Ahem. I will be giving away swag and ebooks, so everyone get excited for next week. Until then, I’m off to Wyoming to chase cows!
Amber Argyle

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