
Wanna See a Publisher’s Rejection Letter?

It starts off with the usual. I’m skipping to the good stuff.We’ve had a chance to read your manuscript (any letter that doesn’t start off with “We love it. We’ll take it.” is a bad sign), and we’ve discussed it with our...

Dear Agents Everywhere Part 2

Signing with an agent is a lot like getting married. You make the most educated decision you can, trust the other person, and jump. And I mean jump. (Fortunately, my agent has been great so far.)So what does an author want/expect? I can’t answer that for...

Dear Agents Everywhere

I’ve seen lots of posts by agents in what they love/hate from potential clients. So I thought I’d turn the tables. For all agents, here’s an author’s Do’s and Don’t list from all those unagented authors (many of these are from...

I’m infected.

My computer bought the farm. I opened a link from a friend on facebook. It infected my computer. When we have the money to fix it, I’ll be back. Until then, I’ll only be on when I can use my friend’s computer–and she’s moving.Stupid...

POV and genre

This is such a complex, fascinating issue. I’m loving it.Okay, so the question is does POV matter per genre (different genres favor different POVs. As I mentioned before, speculative fiction uses 1st a lot. Epic fantasies use deep 3rd–I can’t think...

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