
For those of you that don’t know the story, I was offered a publishing contract by a small house. I struggled over whether to “settle,” because I felt like my work might never see book form if I didn’t. I had conceded that I had to start somewhere, and was in the process of renegotiating the contract when I hit a brick wall. I did a lot of research into publishing contracts, and their’s was AWFUL. Basically, I was giving them the copyright for the term of the copyright (some 150 years). Plus they’d wormed in some wording that assured I didn’t get paid much of anything (we’re talking 5% of the sale price).

Still, I would have signed the thing, had an agent not offered to represent me. I did as much research as I could–checked him out on Agent Verification, Predators and Editors, Writer’s Beware, etc. He checked out as legit in every case.

So I signed.

And I waited. And waited. He sent it out in Sept., and I’m wondering how long it takes for publishers to get with it. I don’t want to be that “pushy author.” So I’ve tried to let it lie, but oh it’s so hard! Especially when I’m such a worrier by nature.

I should have been a stripper. Much more straightforward.

Amber Argyle

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