
Post your worst paragraph on your blog/facebook/twitter. Winner get’s a free ebook of Winter Queen and Witch Born. Leave a link to your post in the comments. And have fun with this!

Here’s my worst:
It was a dark and stormy night. Or if not stormy, then at least dark. Well, darkish. Because the brightest time of the day is noon, so really anything before or after that is a varying degree of dark. So we’ll say it was the dark of 4:30. In the afternoon not the morning. Cause 4:30 in the morning isn’t scary, and this story is supposed to be scary. Of course, 4:30 in the afternoon isn’t really scary, unless you have to work overtime. Then it’s depressing because your hungry and tired and you want to go home but you have to work late so you can’t. So it’s the dark of 4:30, which is scary cause you have to work overtime. Forget the stormy part. Storms in stories are overdone. 
Amber Argyle

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